About Us

1 Corinthians.

We are a small, but enthusiastic, fellowship of believers whose lives have been transformed by the saving power and love of God.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God, relevant to people of every age and situation, as it gives us clear guidance for the way we live.
Jesus Christ’s ministry on this earth, His death and resurrection, make God’s love for the world plain to us – sinners who have rejected Him.  God’s offer of free forgiveness and reconciliation is available for all those who seek it.
This news is too good to keep to ourselves, and we are commanded and compelled, by God’s love shown to us, to share it with others.

(For more details please check out our Statement of Faith.)

Sunday services
Morning worship with Children’s Sunday  School:
10:30 am.
Evening worship
6:00 pm.

Café 9.30 am – noon.

Bible study and prayer. Last Wednesday of the month  Prayer meeting
7.30 pm.

CAMEO (come and meet each other) 9.30 am – noon.      

Hour of prayer
9-10 am,
followed by
Witness on the High Street.

Because of the above we meet regularly. The services usually last just over an hour with an emphasis on worship (songs both traditional and contemporary), prayer and the teaching of both Old, and New Testaments of the Bible. The Old Testament often points to Christ, the fulfilment of which can be seen in the New Testament (see sermon How Jesus Relates to the Old Testament.The  Bible version we use is the NIV.

Wednesday evening  we meet for Bible study and prayer. However the last Wednesday of the month is a Prayer meeting

However, as important as fellowship is, the main purpose of meeting together is to equip ourselves for a lifestyle and witness that is worthy of taking the Good News out to the community around us.

With this in mind, we have a regular witness on Stony Stratford High Street, where we chat to people and offer them free Christian literature. We also deliver leaflets conveying the Gospel message regularly to the community, or engage door-to-door, in order to build relationships which might lead to witness. We also organise community events with an evangelistic aspect, which are open and welcoming to the public.

The Evangelical Free Church Stony Stratford is affiliated with the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches (EFCC)